Our Story

The Malta Statistics Authority is as an advisory board to the National Statistics Office (NSO) on matters of statistics, finance, and governance. It has been incorporated by law in the year 2000. All members of the Authority are non-executive personnel but are all exceptionally qualified and come various walks of life to represent the Maltese society by enlarge.

The Authority is also empowered to promote official statistics and therefore promotes the proper use of official statistics through its website, participation in media events and conferences. The Authority stands firm by is mission statement, “Trust, Governance and Competence in statistics”.


Enactment of Chapter 422 of the laws of Malta: The Malta Statistics Authority Act on the 1st March of 2001.

The 1st Malta Statistics Authority Board meeting took place on the 13th of March 2001. Back then the Chairman of the MSA was Mr Reno Camilleri and under his stewardship established the foundations of the Authority apart from his commitment in ensuring the smooth transformation of the Central Office of Statistics into the National Statistics Office.

During the period leading to 2004 Malta was preparing to become members of the European Union. During Malta’s accession period the Authority was instrumental to ensure that resources were provided to modernise its infrastructure, engage professional resources and expand its statistical horizon by compiling a wider and richer set of statistics.

On 1st May 2004, Malta was officially recognised as member state of the European Union and therefore the Office became part of the European Statistical System. The Authority’s natural European counterpart is the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board, (ESGAB).



Legal Notice 426 (2007) was published to allow sharing of data

During the period leading to 2004 Malta was preparing to become members of the European Union. During Malta’s accession period the Authority was instrumental to ensure that resources were provided to modernise its infrastructure, engage professional resources and expand its statistical horizon by compiling a wider and richer set of statistics.

On 1st May 2004, Malta was officially recognised as member state of the European Union and therefore the Office became part of the European Statistical System. The Authority’s natural European counterpart is the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board, (ESGAB).


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