Internet use by Individuals – 2023

Internet use by Individuals – 2023


On March 4th, the National Statistics Office published the results of its ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals survey for 2023 (NR 042/2024). This is an annual survey mandated by Eurostat and carried out in all Member States.

According to the survey results for Malta 92.1% of individuals aged between 16 and 74 made us of the internet in the 3 months prior to the survey, with 97% of these reporting that they used internet every day or almost every day. As indicated in this chart, males and females exhibit very similar patterns in their internet preferences. Most persons will use the internet for communication purposes which would include amongst others, activities carried out on social networks as well as sending or receiving emails or instant messages. A significant chunk of the population will also use the internet in their search for information which includes reading online newspapers.

If you wish to know more about this subject, we invite you to visit the full news release on the NSO website. You can do so by making use of the following link: ICT Usage by Households: 2023


Internet Use by Sex and Activity

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