Inbound Tourism

Inbound Tourism


According to the results of the NSO Inbound Tourism Survey, almost 3 million tourists visited Malta and Gozo during 2023, an increase of 30% over the estimate for 2022. Most of these were holiday makers, with the majority staying in collective accommodation. The way this information is presented below, this category includes hotels, guesthouses, hostels, tourist villages, holiday complexes, Bed & Breakfast and campsites. Over 1.8 million inbound tourists chose to reside in this type of accommodation during 2023, compared to the 1.4 million in 2022.

Other tourists who chose to visit Malta and Gozo could choose between other kids of rented accommodation offered against payment as well as different forms of private or non-rented accommodation which would include owner occupied accommodation as well as stays with friends or relatives.


Inbound Tourists by Type of Accommodation


As can be expected, the average length of stay varies by type of accommodation. Shorter stay are most common in collective accommodation with the average going from 5.9 in 2022 to 5.7 in 2023. In contrast tourists staying in private accommodation remained in Malta for an average of 10 nights during 2023.


Average Length of Stay in the Different Accommodation Types


If you wish to know more about this subject we invite you to visit the NSO website and consult the tourist statistics news release. You may do this by making use of the following link: Inbound Tourism: December 2023

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